Tuesday 4 March 2014

Self-esteem Made Easy

   Le Second Post, yayy!
Wanna talk about how to boost your self esteem the Elsie's way...
 Lets face facts, its hard to feel good about yourself. If you are like me, you begin each week resolving to read more, eat less, well for me eat more, work harder, drink less Coke and take better care of myself. And i end each week in a fit of self-loathing, having read nothing, absolutely nothing, not even work emails or the text from my Church Cell Group, eaten too little, fallen behind at work, under exercised, and under slept.
Then have those moments when you finally give up and say, "what's the use?" "I'm a lout, I might just accept it as my fate"...this is called 'psyching yourself out'-setting yourself up for failure, live up to your own worst expectations.
  Luckily, I've found a way to use this line of thinking to my own advantage. I merely learnt to Psyche myself out in positive ways. Trust me, it works. You just need a few special tricks of your own, Here are a few of mine-
  How to be well rested, Elsie's style- Set your clock ahead by an hour and a half. this way when you have to get up at an ungodly hour like say 6.30 am, yes that's an ungodly hour, you set the alarm for 7.00 am-a much more friendly time to rise. When you wake up and look at the clock, you'll know its really 6.30 but never mind, the important thing is you feel as though you've gotten more sleep than you really have. (Note: This also helps if you oversleep, if the clock says 8.30-its really only 7.00 am and you can make it to work on time).

  How to be incredibly well-organized- Compile a list of things to do and be sure to add a few items that you've already accomplished and remember to tick them with those little check makers. The list will look less daunting than it would otherwise, thereby inspiring confidence.

  How to be Financially Responsible-Only recharge your phone with N200 at a time. Never mind that you'll have to top up the said N200 with another every day or three times a day and that in the long run you wont save a dime more than you would if you just put N2000 worth at a time. That's beside the point. Psychologically, N200 is a lot easier to part with than 2k.
  Apply this principle to the ATM and take out 5k at a time. Sure you'll be back the next day or the next hour for another and you'll end up taking out over 50k over 3 or 4 days, but if you took out all at once, you'll feel terrible about yourself.
 Decide to save money by not buying elaborate lunch at work all week and swell with pride at your restraint and the money you've saved up. Then on Friday night, you're free to go out and spend way more money than you have a right to. You'll feel you've earned this...

  How to be a good Friend-Only call Friends or Relatives you'd rather avoid when you are certain they are asleep or won't be available, one call, just one and then send a text expressing glee at the mere thought of hearing their voice. Ask them to call back when they can, then dial customer service, they never pick up anyway, your phone will be engaged when they try calling you back. Do this several times in a row.
When you run into them on the streets or at an event, say "Gosh, you're so hard to reach. I've been trying to call you for weeks!". Voila-guilt gets transferred and you can rest easy, safe in the knowledge that you're a good girl.
  Now go to sleep, set your alarm for 7.00 am and start allover again...


  1. Speecheless....zany ideas.

  2. nice one. looking forward to more posts from u
